Rosie & Ian: A Wedding in Cornwall. Part 1.

Part one of Rosie and Ian wonderful Cornish wedding!
Oooooooooh, Bunting galore (made by the hen’s) Homemade chocolate cake (made by the farmers wife), Pre- wedding yoga (for the very chilled bride), Handmade dresses, A large teepee, A little bit of rain (which made it more fun) Camels (everywhere) and of course one very happy Rosie and Ian.
p.s Look out for the farmers dog that followed us everywhere and who stars in a heck of a lot of the photos. Apparently he likes weddings and so does the Peacock.

Wedding venue: Rosuick Organic farm – Cornish camels is a delightful organic family ran farm. It has been in the Oats family since the 1700’s

marianne ford photography,

Suppliers: Rosie’s wedding dress was from Morgan Davies in Islington, London.
Ian’s suit was cobbled together in Liberty’s sale!
Flowers by Jackie Phillips Flowers
Shoes and hair comb were from Emmy Shoe, Angel,London
Bridesmaid’s dress fabric myself from Liberty and found the pattern online by Vogue.
Dresses by Cyanide Kiss on Etsy.
Yoga by Amanda Brown, Falmouth
Hair by Rebecca Langdon
Make-up by Natasha Flower

Sneaky peek, Rosie and Ian’s Cornish Wedding.

One little photo from Ian and Rosie’s beautiful wedding in Cornwall. More very soon. I am in Love with this wedding…..